Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Stock Market Trading: Research is key

    Money is not made on a gut feeling.  It is made with precision, and the people that rake in the cash are the people who do their research.  You might be asking yourself, what do I research?  You research everything about your investment before you even consider buying.  Who owns it, their reputation, their families reputation, who will step in if the owner steps down - everything.  I said it before, I'll say it again Google is your friend.  Go through article after article, take notes and get as much information as you can.  If you haven't already you should be looking at how the company has been doing financially.  You can find most of theses things with a quick search.  Keep in the loop with business sections of websites.  Realtime markets are great, because they will automatically refresh and show you how the stock is doing.
   A few good websites you can use to keep updated on your stocks are:
Google Finance
Wall Street Journal
Yahoo! Finance
CNN Money

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